Who We Are
About the LKCM Aquinas Catholic Equity Fund

Managed with the philosophy that investors should not sacrifice investment performance for their Catholic values.

Luther King Capital Management provides a range of investment management services based on the guidelines set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It is our belief that one should not sacrifice their values for investment performance. Our commitment to invest in more than monetary values distinguishes our approach—allowing for a solid foundation of investment philosophy and, most importantly, Catholic values.
The LKCM Aquinas Catholic Equity Fund utilizes a proactive approach and evolving dialogue with companies to ensure each portfolio has the potential for solid investment performance without sacrificing the integrity of Catholic values. Our investment strategy is disciplined with foundation of faith and morals. Socially responsible investing with the LKCM Aquinas Catholic Equity fund allows for the tranquility of investing in your best interests.
Our team at LKCM is committed to socially-responsible Catholic investing. We do not believe you should choose between money and morals. Through our process for evaluation, selection, and monitoring, the potential for solid investment performance is backed by the integrity of your Catholic values.